How to Pack for Springtime in New York Skip to main content

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How to Pack for Springtime in New York


How to Pack for Springtime in New York

Spring’s arrival in New York is precious. Finally, the winter coats come off and the sunglasses come out. In that first week of welcoming spring weather, you can see droves of people emerging from their winter hibernation and making their way down the streets (usually flaunting a lack of gloves and wool cap).

If you’re lucky enough to visit during that brief period when the air feels ‘just right,’ make sure to pack accordingly. As lovely as spring in New York can be, our warm weather anticipation can cloud our memory of the less beloved spring treasures: wind and rain.

Just follow our foolproof plan for springtime packing and mark your calendars for a week of park strolls and rooftop bars - rain or shine.


The Basics

Depending on your arrival time, the climate in New York can vary. Your best bet? Layers. Pack an arsenal that will equip you for warmer temperatures during the day and cooler temperatures at night. Here’s what we recommend stocking in your carry-on:

  • Light sweaters
  • Breathable cotton shirts - one long sleeve and one short
  • Long pants or trousers
  • Waterproof jacket
  • A light scarf (not wool or flannel)
  • Two pair of walking shoes - boots for the rain and sneakers or flats for the dry days 
  • An umbrella 
  • Sunglasses and sunscreen (for the brighter days)


Leave at Home

Leave the heavier items behind. This includes anything wool, down or double-lined. You can also forget the mid-summer wear, like flimsy dresses or shorts.

  • Your winter coat, hat and accessories
  • Long, unmanageable sweaters or jackets 
  • Turtlenecks
  • Tank tops or too-thin T-shirts
  • Dresses or short skirts (for women)